Date Farewell Spit Tour Gannet Colony Tour Wader Watch Tour
Departs from: Collingwood Collingwood Departs from Puponga
01/04/2024 Monday insufficient daylight for tour
02/04/2024 Tuesday 6:30am
03/04/2024 Wednesday 7:30am
04/04/2024 Thursday 9:00am
05/04/2024 Friday 10:30am
06/04/2024 Saturday 10:30am
07/04/2024 Sunday 10:30am
08/04/2024 Monday 11:30am
09/04/2024 Tuesday 12:00pm
10/04/2024 Wednesday 12:30pm
11/04/2024 Thursday 1:00pm
12/04/2024 Friday 1:00pm
13/04/2024 Saturday There is insufficient
14/04/2024 Sunday daylight for tours to
15/04/2024 Monday run on these days.
16/04/2024 Tuesday 6:30am
17/04/2024 Wednesday 7:00am
18/04/2024 Thursday 8:30am
19/04/2024 Friday 10:00am
20/04/2024 Saturday 10:00am
21/04/2024 Sunday 10:30am
22/04/2024 Monday 11:00am
23/04/2024 Tuesday 11:30am
24/04/2024 Wednesday 12:00pm
25/04/2024 Thursday No Tour
26/04/2024 Friday There is insufficient daylight
27/04/2024 Saturday for tours to run on these
28/04/2024 Sunday days because departure
29/04/2024 Monday times are determined
30/04/2024 Tuesday by the time of the tide
Date Farewell Spit Tour Gannet Colony Tour Wader Watch Tour
Departs from: Collingwood Collingwood Departs from Puponga
01/05/2024 Wednesday Insufficient daylight for tour
02/05/2024 Thursday 6:30am
03/05/2024 Friday 8:00am
04/05/2024 Saturday 9:00am
05/05/2024 Sunday 10:00am
06/05/2024 Monday 10:00am
07/05/2024 Tuesday 11:00am
08/05/2024 Wednesday 11:30am
09/05/2024 Thursday 12:00pm
10/05/2024 Friday 12:30pm
11/05/2024 Saturday There is insufficient daylight
12/05/2024 Sunday for tours to run on these
13/05/2024 Monday days. Departure times
14/05/2024 Tuesday are determined by the
15/05/2024 Wednesday time of the tide.
16/05/2024 Thursday 6:30am
17/05/2024 Friday 8:00am
18/05/2024 Saturday 9:00am
19/05/2024 Sunday 10:00am
20/05/2024 Monday 10:30am
21/05/2024 Tuesday 10:00am
22/05/2024 Wednesday 11:00am
23/05/2024 Thursday 11:30am
24/05/2024 Friday 12:00pm
25/05/2024 Saturday 12:30pm
26/05/2024 Sunday There is insufficient daylight
27/05/2024 Monday for tours to run on these
28/05/2024 Tuesday days. Departure times
29/05/2024 Wednesday are determined by the
30/05/2024 Thursday time of the tide.
31/05/2024 Friday 6:30am
Date Farewell Spit Tour Gannet Colony Tour Wader Watch Tour
Departs from: Collingwood Collingwood Departs from Puponga
01/06/2024 Saturday 7:30am
02/06/2024 Sunday 8:30am
03/06/2024 Monday 9:30am
04/06/2024 Tuesday 10:30am
05/06/2024 Wednesday 10:00am
06/06/2024 Thursday 11:00am
07/06/2024 Friday 12:00pm
08/06/2024 Saturday There is insufficient
09/06/2024 Sunday daylight for tours to run
10/06/2024 Monday on these days because
11/06/2024 Tuesday departure times are
12/06/2024 Wednesday determined by the
13/06/2024 Thursday time of the tide
14/06/2024 Friday 6:30am
15/06/2024 Saturday 7:00am
16/06/2024 Sunday 8:00am
17/06/2024 Monday 9:00am
18/06/2024 Tuesday 9:30am
19/06/2024 Wednesday 10:30am
20/06/2024 Thursday 10:00am
21/06/2024 Friday 11:00am
22/06/2024 Saturday 11:30am
23/06/2024 Sunday 12:00pm
24/06/2024 Monday There is insufficient daylight
25/06/2024 Tuesday for tours to run on these
26/06/2024 Wednesday days. Departure times
27/06/2024 Thursday are determined by the
28/06/2024 Friday time of the tide.
29/06/2024 Saturday 6:30am
30/06/2024 Sunday 7:00am
Date Farewell Spit Tour Gannet Colony Tour Wader Watch Tour
Departs from: Collingwood Collingwood Departs from Puponga
01/07/2024 Monday 8:00am
02/07/2024 Tuesday 9:00am
03/07/2024 Wednesday 10:00am
04/07/2024 Thursday 10:00am
05/07/2024 Friday 11:00am
06/07/2024 Saturday 11:30am
07/07/2024 Sunday 12:00pm
08/07/2024 Monday There is insufficient
09/07/2024 Tuesday daylight for tours to run
10/07/2024 Wednesday on these days because
11/07/2024 Thursday departure times are
12/07/2024 Friday determined by the
13/07/2024 Saturday time of the tide
14/07/2024 Sunday 6:30am
15/07/2024 Monday 7:00am
16/07/2024 Tuesday 8:00am
17/07/2024 Wednesday 8:30am
18/07/2024 Thursday 9:30am
19/07/2024 Friday 10:30am
20/07/2024 Saturday 10:30am
21/07/2024 Sunday 11:30am
22/07/2024 Monday 12:00pm
23/07/2024 Tuesday There is insufficient
24/07/2024 Wednesday daylight for tours to run
25/07/2024 Thursday on these days because
26/07/2024 Friday departure times are
27/07/2024 Saturday determined by the
28/07/2024 Sunday time of the tide
29/07/2024 Monday 6:30am
30/07/2024 Tuesday 7:30am
31/07/2024 Wednesday 8:30am
Date Farewell Spit Tour Gannet Colony Tour Wader Watch Tour
Departs from: Collingwood Collingwood Departs from Puponga
01/08/2024 Thursday 9:30am
02/08/2024 Friday 10:30am
03/08/2024 Saturday 10:30am
04/08/2024 Sunday 11:30am
05/08/2024 Monday 12:00pm
06/08/2024 Tuesday 12:30pm
07/08/2024 Wednesday There is insufficient
08/08/2024 Thursday daylight for tours to run
09/08/2024 Friday on these days because
10/08/2024 Saturday departure times are
11/08/2024 Sunday determined by the
12/08/2024 Monday time of the tide
13/08/2024 Tuesday 6:30am
14/08/2024 Wednesday 7:00am
15/08/2024 Thursday 8:00am
16/08/2024 Friday 9:00am
17/08/2024 Saturday 10:30am
18/08/2024 Sunday 10:30am
19/08/2024 Monday 11:00am
20/08/2024 Tuesday 12:00pm
21/08/2024 Wednesday 12:30pm
22/08/2024 Thursday There is insufficient daylight
23/08/2024 Friday for tours to run on these
24/08/2024 Saturday days because departure
25/08/2024 Sunday times are determined
26/08/2024 Monday by the time of the tide
27/08/2024 Tuesday 6:30am
28/08/2024 Wednesday 7:00am
29/08/2024 Thursday 8:30am
30/08/2024 Friday 9:30am
31/08/2024 Saturday 10:30am
Date Farewell Spit Tour Gannet Colony Tour Wader Watch Tour
Departs from: Collingwood Collingwood Departs from Puponga
01/09/2024 Sunday 10:30am
02/09/2024 Monday 11:30am
03/09/2024 Tuesday 12:00pm
04/09/2024 Wednesday 12:00pm
05/09/2024 Thursday There is insufficient
06/09/2024 Friday daylight for tours to run
07/09/2024 Saturday on these days
08/09/2024 Sunday because departure
09/09/2024 Monday times are
10/09/2024 Tuesday determined by the
11/09/2024 Wednesday time of the tide
12/09/2024 Thursday 6:00am
13/09/2024 Friday 7:30am
14/09/2024 Saturday 9:00am
15/09/2024 Sunday 10:00am
16/09/2024 Monday 10:00am
17/09/2024 Tuesday 11:00am
18/09/2024 Wednesday 11:30am
19/09/2024 Thursday 12:30pm
20/09/2024 Friday There is insufficient
21/09/2024 Saturday daylight for tours to run
22/09/2024 Sunday on these days because
23/09/2024 Monday departure times are
24/09/2024 Tuesday determined by the
25/09/2024 Wednesday time of the tide
26/09/2024 Thursday 6:30am
27/09/2024 Friday 8:00am
28/09/2024 Saturday 9:30am
29/09/2024 Sunday 10:30am
30/09/2024 Monday 12:00pm